Monday, October 3, 2011


     I took my 3 year old to the dentist today for his check up after having some work done where he had the sleep dentisty. I tried being the kind of parent where you talk to your child and tell him everything that is going to happen and that everything is going  to be okay. I don't know if that worked in my favor... the anticipation was definitely a lot worse than the event itself.  I'm wondering now if I should have just kept my mouth shut and should have just shown up at the dental office with him. So what is better?? What does a good parent do?? The last thing that I want is to not have my child trust me.


  1. Not to worry he will not remember when he is older. Just make every visit from here on out a fun event and he will grow to enjoy going. especially if he doesn't have to get fillings every time he goes. Adam had the same issue when he was that age and he doesn't remember a thing, he loves the dentist and tells his friends all day that he gets to see the dentist. Our dentist is nice and has fun with the kids. He doesn't specialize in kids, but he is very good with kids, I would recommend him to anyone. So bottom line don't fret he will forget. Love ya.
